Shinewood Quests

Shinewood Quest List
Map Min Lv Quest Name Quest Details Count Reward
Ellore 99 Gladiator's Demise Kill Chariot Gladiator 500 5x Shard of Rebirth + 1x Tempering Gem
Ellore 99 Lantern Terror Kill Lanternrider Climax 500 5x Shard of Rebirth + 1x Tempering Gem
Ellore 99 Patriot's Fall Kill Patriot Middler 500 5x Shard of Rebirth + 1x Tempering Gem
Ellore 99 Captain’s Last Stand Kill Invader Captain 1 15x Shard of Rebirth + 3x Tempering Gem
Ellore 99 Commander’s Conquest Kill Invader Commander 1 15x Shard of Rebirth + 3x Tempering Gem