
This guide has not been translated to 中文 and therefore we show you the English Version.
Rules Offence 1 Offence 2 Offence 3
Racial Slurs/Comments/Media and/or content 3 Days Mute 7 Days Mute Permanent Mute
Heavy Insults (Family, Religion, Nation, Gender) 3 Days Mute 7 Days Mute Permanent Mute
Insulting/Humiliating/Provoking another player (without using insults or restricted words) [Generalized] Mute depending on severity of breach leading to a Permanent Ban    
Excessive Trolling 1 Day Mute 3 Days Mute 30 Days Mute
Posting misleading information regarding Archonia 1 Day Mute 7 Days Mute Permanent Mute
Impersonating Staff Permanent Ban    
Impersonating Players Verbal Warning Permanent Ban  
Doxing Players 7 Day In-game and Discord Ban 30 Day In-game and Discord Ban Permanent Ban
Spam or Self-Promotion without permission 1 Day Mute 14 Days Mute Permanent Ban
Circumventing Rules Permanent Ban    
Violating Newbie channel Removed from Newbie channel & 3 Days mute    
Actions against staff members Staff Decides depending on severity