Boss Rush Event

This guide has not been translated to español and therefore we show you the English Version.

Boss system:
 The first boss will spawn in CF and after it dies another boss will be spawned in a Realm world.
After the Realm World boss dies, another CF boss will spawn.
A total of 12 bosses will spawn in a cycle, 6 of them in Chaotic Frontier maps and 6 in Realm Worlds.
After all 6 bosses dies, next bosses will start spawning at next period The drops of the bosses according to the spawn zone are as follows:

Forest of Scream - Lapan [E] Level 40 Boss drops:

1x Big Box FoS Containing Refined Uniques (Barom-Shuta-Flying-Kark)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)

Land of Ice -  Frost Golem Boss [E] Level 47 Boss drops:

1x Big Box LoI Containing Refined Uniques (Darilla-Pargon)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)

Dungeon 1F - Kalidan [E] Level 55 Boss drops:

1x Big Box D1F Containing Refined Uniques (Blode-Biglos)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)

Dungeon 2F - Totin [E] Level 60 Boss drops:
1x Big Box D2F Containing Refined Uniques (Biglos-Haul-Guardimesh)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)
10x Dust of Chaotic Frontier

Forest of Pain - Gespen [E] Level 68 Boss drops:

1x Big Box FoP Containing Refined Uniques (Haul-Gaurdimesh-Logo-Zucker)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)
10x Dust of Chaotic Frontier
5x Runes of Ancient Lands

Tower of Despair - Murad [E] Level 70 Boss drops:

1x Big Box ToD Containing Refined Uniques (Logo-Zucker-Shocker)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)
15x Dust of Chaotic Frontier
10x Runes of Ancient Lands

Ice World - lvl 96 Boss drops:

3x Big Box Ice World Containing Refined Uniques (Shocker-Ohkeros-Gaudius-Luke)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)

Lightning World - lvl 96 Boss drops:

3x Big Box Lightning World Containing Refined Uniques (Shocker-Ohkeros-Gaudius-Luke)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)

Poison World - lvl 96 Boss drops:

3x Big Box Poison World Containing Refined Uniques (Shocker-Ohkeros-Gaudius-Luke)
4x Gold Coin of the rich (40m Gold)

During the cycle, Devil [E] will randomly spawn in Ice, Lightning and Poison World
It will be very easy to kill and Archonia's Gift will drop
Archonia's Gift contains:

Fortune Gate Pass
Serazaran Powder
Kitty Lv 2 <3 days>
Doggy Lv 3 <3 days>
Santa's Bell
Fragment of Ashtal
Scion Prayer Stone
Cloak of Fire control <1 Day> On/Off
Cloak of Air control <1 Day> On/Off
Cloak of Earth control <1 Day> On/Off
Cloak of Magic control <1 Day> On/Off
Cloak of Water control <1 Day> On/Off