2v2 and 3v3 tournaments

This guide has not been translated to 中文 and therefore we show you the English Version.

Rules and Details

- Fights will be held in Guild Battle Square that you can teleport from Tullan / Trilgard / Deribelle portals

- A player can use only 1 character. Players who uses multiple accounts wont get any reward

- Arena Potions will be used in the area

- Minimum level requirement: 92

- There will be damage reduction in tournaments like we have in arena

The registration screen will appear at the top right 30 minutes before the fights start, players can form their own team or join solo



1st place: 750 Arena Coins
2nd place: 500 Arena Coins
150 Arena Coins to all participants
50 Arena Coins per win

Players will be able to exchange their Archonium Coins with various rewards through Arena Merchant and Arena Armor Merchant