Unique Accessories

This guide has not been translated to 한국어 and therefore we show you the English Version.

Unique + Unique requires 1,000,000 gold and can result in the following:
Original Unique 1-3 slots [11.11%]
Intelligent Unique 1 slot [11.11%]
Brilliant Unique 1 slot [11.11%]
Glorious Unique 1 slot [11.11%]
Archondrite x1 [11.11%]
Archondrite x1 [11.11%]
Archondrite x1 [11.11%]
Archondrite x2 [11.11%]
Archondrite x3 [11.11%]


Intelligent + Brilliant + Glorious Unique requires 3,000,000 gold and can result in the following:
Excellent Unique 1-3 slots [12.5%]
Intelligent Unique 1-3 slots [12.5%]
Brilliant Unique 1-3 slots [12.5%]
Glorious Unique 1-3 slots [12.5%]
Archondrite x1 [12.5%]
Archondrite x2 [12.5%]
Archondrite x3 [12.5%]
Archondrite x4 [12.5%]