Armor Refinery / Reroll
This guide has not been translated to español and therefore we show you the English Version.
x100 Runes of Ancient Lands
x100 Dust of Chaotic Frontier
x10 Timeworn Armor Piece
100m Gold
Ancient Armor Manual (TOP) (That can be refined with, same class, ice+light+poison, same parts)
Armor Yellow Reroll:
x20 Runes of Ancient Lands
x20 Dust of Chaotic Frontier
20m Gold
Armor Class Reroll:
x50 Runes of Ancient Lands
x50 Dust of Chaotic Frontier
x5 Timeworn Armor Piece
50m gold
Ancient Armour Part
(Product will be any class -except the class you used in refinery- same armor part)