
This guide has not been translated to 中文 and therefore we show you the English Version.
1 - HP Potion F - Friends B - Chantra Bag
2 - MP Potion G - Guild Space - Collect Item From Ground
Enter - Chat J - Craft Skill F1 - Help Menu
R - Reply to whisper K - Skill F10 - Sky Camera
T - Chantra Shop ~ - Switch Bar Up F11 - Angled Camera
I - Inventory Ctrl + ~ - Switch Bar Down F12 - Far Camera
O - Options Z - Chat Room Creation Pad Minus - Default Camera
P - Party Options X - Enter Chat Room Pad Plus - Camera Zoom
M - World Map C - Character Info Up - Camera Up
N - Ignore List V - Pet Inventory Left - Camera Left
H - Open Title Window F5 - Tournament Brackets Right - Camera Right
F8 - Arena F6 - Event Ranking Down - Camera Down
F9 - Character Loadout