
This guide has not been translated to español and therefore we show you the English Version.

General Rules:

1. If you xcrash or disconnect due to reasons out of your control, you will need to provide evidence to support this. We will accept your errorlog.txt or any other proof (screenshot, taken photo by phone etc.) that shows why you disconnected at that specific time. If you get reported and are unable to provide sufficient evidence, you will be banned. (You will lose 20 points for leaving the match. If you provide evidence you and your teammates will get the lost points back.)
2. Do not join a match and then go AFK.
3. You are not allowed to use mount during fight (Even if its to create an advantage for you/your team.).
4. You are not allowed to waste time of the other players by constantly running when the fight has become 1v2 or 1v3.

Normal Arena Rules:

The normal arena is supposed to be a welcoming place for new players who are looking to start being competitive. Insults, harassment, and any general toxic behaviour will result in a ban. This should be the first arena type that players enter to learn the mechanics and how to play as a team.