Changes & Roadmap Update

9/1/2024 6:16:00 PM

We have a few announcements to share with you.

1) Arena:

Due to the lack of active participation in ranked arena, we've made some changes:

- After the season reset, everyone will be able to play ranked arena (the requirement of 10 normal arena wins has been removed).
- After 20 matches, the required win rate has been reduced from 40% to 35%.
- After automatic removal from the ranked arena, the required number of normal arena wins will progress as 10-20-30-40.
- Season rewards will now only be given based on ranked arena rankings.
- Total match rewards will be given in the form of CC Tokens (untradeable CC and items) instead of regular CC.

If we can ensure the new system works smoothly, we plan to offer more prestigious and useful items starting in October. For ranked arena, we’ll focus on cosmetic items, and for normal arena, we’ll offer time-limited items for amateur PvP enthusiasts.

Ranked arena rules:
Ranked arena rewards:
Normal arena rules:
Normal arena rewards:

2) Best of Each Class (BoEC) Events:

We’ve seen positive results using the automated BoEC system in the Human event. We believe with some more adjustments, it will get even better. However, even though it's automated, the event duration is still long. Therefore, in September, we will hold the Orc BoEC for one class each Sunday. If it runs smoothly, we will continue this schedule in the coming months.


3) Transmogrify System:

We will switch from CC cost to Transmog Coin cost, and in upcoming events, Transmog Coins will be actively used as rewards. Additionally, many new wings and cloaks will be added to the list very soon.


4) Roadmap:

You can access the current list via the link:

Adjusting Siege Systems and Rewards:

Siege is one of the most important systems in Archlord. While it may not be possible to make significant changes in a short time, we believe there are a few areas that can be easily improved.

We can share these needs and changes with guild leaders and any interested players.


"Hurry Up Buddy" Game Mode:

- This system will use the Buddy System and the Battle Ground map.
- Mentor and Mentee characters will have daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.
- Upon completing these tasks, rewards that vary from season to season will be given.
- At the start of each season, Mentee characters will be deleted.
- Mentee characters will not be able to leave the Battle Ground and will be capped at level 99. Episode 5 content will be active inside.
- Developing Mentee characters will be very easy, with very high exp and drop rates, a "reinforced" realm set given at the start, etc. Instead of offering players a new "mindless grind" content, we aim to let them reminisce about the Episode 5 era and enjoy daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.

We will share more details and spoilers in the coming weeks.


Abyssal Shadows Episode Part 2 & 3 and Greater Rifts Game Mode:

It will be easier to level up in the Level 113 and 120 patches. In Part 1, we clearly observed that players are tired of the classic grind that's been around for 20 years. Therefore, we will introduce "difficulty" with minimal differences in end-game RNG systems.

We also noticed that players need ways to spend their time without PvP for a few hours each day. Thus, with the Greater Rifts mode, featuring advanced PvE and new game/monster mechanics, we will offer Archlord fans brand new experiences. This mode will be linked to the end-game RNG systems we mentioned above, as well as the new Hurry Up Buddy mode.

We initially planned to release Part 3 around six months after Part 2, but we’ve decided to move that date up. We want to avoid skill-class imbalances caused by differences in access to HH Skill Trees between classes. Additionally, with our new game modes, we believe players will have plenty of new features to enjoy. Therefore, we aim to allow faster access to Level 120 and plan to achieve this before the end of 2024.

Thank you for your patience as you await our updates.


Best regards,  
Archonia Team.