As of now, we do not have any problems with database import.
We are able to start the server whenever we want, without any data loss. But we want to run an event for a few days to test the stability and bugs of the 64bit client. It would be much better to delay for a few days and proceed more safely rather than opening the live server in a hurry and having some annoying problems.
We are currently working on fixing a few bugs. We will finalize the details of the event once we have them fixed. But for now, I would like to announce the event outline:
- Event will start on Saturday, 07.10.2023 19:00.
- Event will last minimum 5 days
- Players will use live server accounts
- Players will start from scratch
- Exp and Drop rates will be higher than the original Archonia live rates
- CC or special item rewards will be given according to the level reached at the end of the event
- CC or special item rewards will be awarded according to the number of arena matches played
- CC or special item rewards for reported bugs
If there are no complicated problems, we plan to fix the bugs detected during the test period and open the live server next week (Friday, Saturday or Sunday).
We would also like to give a general information about the system. Since we are still testing and developing some details, it is very likely to change by tomorrow evening. Final details will be announced a few hours before the event. This is the event in a nutshell:
- Exp Rate:
3x of Archonia live
- Gold Rate:
5x of Archonia live
- Drop Rate & Unique Accessory Drop Rate:
3x of Archonia live
- Standard Level up Rewards
- Monsters will have chance to drop Santas Bell
Lv 21-40 Monsters: 15% chance to drop a Bell
Lv 41-60 Monsters: 20% chance to drop a Bell
Lv 61-80 Monsters: 25% chance to drop a Bell
Lv 81-99 Monsters: 30% chance to drop a Bell
- Santas Bell Exchange System Item List:
200x = Scion Prayer Stone
200x = Fragment of Ashtal
999x = Gold Ticket
500x =
99x Fortune Gate Pass
500x = Wings Chest (Lv4 40%, Lv5 40%, Lv6 20%)
500x = Cloak Chest (Lv4 40%, Lv5 40%, Lv6 20%)
500x = Ring Spirit Chest (Lv4 40%, Lv5 40%, Lv6 20%)
20x = Lucky Box
- Monsters will have chance to drop boxes
Small Box
- Ice/Lightning/Poison World Monsters will drop all useful uniques
- Big Box can be refined with 30x Small Box + 2m Gold
- Carving, Cooking and Alchemy exp rates have been increased by 20x
- No CC shop
- Level achievement rewards for the live server. To access: Level Ranking
Top 50: 500 cc
Top 30: 1000 cc
Top 20: 1500 cc
Top 10: 2000 cc
- Arena rewards for the live server. To access: Arena Ranking
Top 50: 500 cc
Top 30: 1000 cc
Top 20: 1500 cc
Top 10: 2000 cc
- Rewards for reporting bugs
Small bugs: 100 cc
Mediocre bugs: 250 cc
Hard bugs: 500 cc
Note: There wont be item or character transfer from event server to live server. Rewards for setted goals will be added into live server accounts.